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2023 was a whirlwind year for SEO, with Google rolling out several core updates and algorithm tweaks that kept website owners and digital marketers on their toes.

To help you navigate the ever-changing landscape, here’s a comprehensive recap of the major SEO updates that unfolded throughout the year, month by month:

March 2023:

March 15th: The year kicked off with a broad core update, impacting websites across various niches. The update focused on content quality, relevance, and user experience, emphasizing the importance of providing valuable and engaging information to visitors.

April 2023:

Focus on mobile-friendliness: Google continued to prioritize mobile experience, with mobile-first indexing becoming the standard. Websites not optimized for mobile faced potential ranking penalties.

Increased focus on EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness): Google further emphasized the importance of establishing EAT on websites to improve search engine trust and ranking. This meant focusing on high-quality content, author bios, and building online authority.

May 2023:

Product reviews algorithm update: Google rolled out an update specifically targeting product reviews, emphasizing the need for detailed, informative, and unbiased reviews to rank well.

June 2023:

Spam update: Google cracked down on spammy tactics like keyword stuffing and link buying, with websites engaging in such practices facing significant ranking drops.

July 2023:

Local SEO update: Google updated its local search algorithm, emphasizing the importance of accurate and consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across platforms.

August 2023:

August 22nd: Another broad core update hit the scene, impacting websites across the board. This update focused on content depth and comprehensiveness, rewarding websites offering in-depth information and unique insights.

September 2023:

September 7th: The August core update continued to roll out and stabilize.
Core Web Vitals update: Google announced an upcoming update focusing on Core Web Vitals, emphasizing the importance of website speed and performance for ranking purposes.

October 2023:

October 5th: A new broad core update arrived, with Google again emphasizing high-quality content, user experience, and mobile friendliness.

November 2023:

November 3rd: The October core update rolled out and stabilized.

November 22nd: Another broad core update, the fourth of the year, landed, with Google highlighting the importance of E-A-T, content relevance, and technical SEO.

December 2023:

Continued focus on Core Web Vitals: Throughout December, Google continued to emphasize the importance of Core Web Vitals for ranking websites, encouraging owners to improve website speed and performance.

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